Tag Archives: J. Bradley

Two “Ribcage” Poems by J. Bradley

“The Ribcage Explains (Again) Why It Never Votes” and “The Ribcage Dreams of Dancing on a Grave (or Two)” are just two of five wonderfully surreal & acutely affecting ribcage-themed poems by J. Bradley in our Fall 2017 issue

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“The Ribcage Explains (Again) Why It Never Votes”

where only the wolves of his name
are allowed to live. They have the facts
and still they vote to gnaw the marrow
out of you. What’s the point of this story,
this lover asks. You peel back your blanket,
show him the gore in waking up alone.

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“Multnomah,” “Consolation Prize,” and “Projection” – Flash Fiction by J. Bradley

By Woo from irvine, ca, USA [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Multnomah Falls, Oregon – by Woo from irvine, ca, USA [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)%5D, via Wikimedia Commons

From our Spring 2016 issue, “Multnomah,” “Consolation Prize,” and “Projection” are three parts of J. Bradley‘s novella-in-flash about multi-generational kidnappings.

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NEIL CLUTCHES MY WRIST AS WE WATCH THE WATERFALL from the bridge suspended above the park. I shift us away from the tourists as they take pictures of or selfies with the falls.

“I wanna go back down,” Neil says.

Neil fights as I perch him on my shoulders. He smacks the top of my head once or twice. I fight my father’s advice and keep Neil and I away from the railing. I fight my father’s advice and don’t back into the railing behind us, loosen my grip on Neil’s shins. I fight my father’s advice, for once. Continue reading “Multnomah,” “Consolation Prize,” and “Projection” – Flash Fiction by J. Bradley

Digital (PDF) Copies of FLAPPERHOUSE #9 Now Available for Pre-Order

Monstrous immortality, reincarnation, eternal recurrence, never-ending gender, virtual sex, multiple organisms, reclusive regiments: FLAPPERHOUSE #9.

MARCH 20, 2016

Pre-order a DIGITAL (PDF) copy for $3US and watch it fly into your emailbox
by the Vernal Equinox!


starring – J. BradleyLeona GodinRob Hartzellj/j hastainStephen Langlois,
William LessardSarah LiliusEmily LinstromCatfish McDarisLauren Milici,
Sarah Frances MoranAhimaaz RajeshChristina M. RauNickalus Rupert,
Joseph Tomaras, and Innas Tsuroiya


Coming soon in soft, pulpy paperback.
Stay tuned…FY1F&BCs


Outside the Flapperhouse – 11.12.2014

These past few weeks, our Flappers have been killing it all over the web with their literary weaponry: 

Natalia Theodoridou’s fantastic short story “The Eleven Holy Numbers of the Mechanical Soul” was posted at Clarkesworld.

Nerve published J.E. Reich’s autobiographical essay “I Filmed a Sex Scene Before the Reddit Era.”

Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam’s poem “Kites” appeared in the “Summer Is Dead” issue of Goblin Fruit.

Joseph Tomaras spoke with Nick Mamatas about Joseph’s story “Thirty-Eight Observations on the Nature of the Self,” which is featured in the Phantasm Japan anthology.

Jeff Laughlin mused about sports on the radio for Triad City Beat.

Rebecca Ann Jordan spooked readers with her horror story “Collection” at Fiction Vortex.

Gigantic Sequins added Emily O’Neill’s poem “de Los Muertos” to their online archives.

Julie C. Day’s story “Ghost Bubbles” popped up at Bartleby Snopes.

J. Bradley recorded a reading of “A Love Poem as Written by Robert Rodriguez,” included in the first issue of  Profane.

Outside the Flapperhouse – 7.29.2014

Our beloved Flappers have been popping up all over the internet these past few weeks:

Julie C. Day‘s bewitching flash fiction “Drinking Grandma’s Tea” was published by Bartleby Snopes. 

Mila Jaroniec shared “5 Unpopular Opinions in No Particular Order” with Thought Catalog.

FLAPPERHOUSE #3 contributor Brendan Byrne’s article “Urban Growth: Bio-Bricks Offer a Whiff of the Future” was posted by New Scientist.

Diana Clarke, another contributor to our Fall 2014 issue, talked robotics and erotics in her interview with a virologist at The Toast.

Future contributor Dusty Wallace’s poem “DNR” appeared at The Mystic Nebula.

J. Bradley interviewed David James Poissant, author of The Heaven of Animals, at Electric Literature.

J.E. Reich‘s novel The Demon Room is now available as an audiobook through Audible.com.

Rebecca Ann Jordan busted some character cliches at DIYMFA.

Outside the Flapperhouse – 7.9.2014

Some places around the internet where our Flappers have been flapping as of late:

In episode 4 of Scared Yet?, Kris Straub praised the polish, restraint, and unreliable narrators in Cameron Suey‘s horror & dark fantasy stories. And in S4E03 of the NoSleep Podcast,  Jeff Clement and Derek Jensen performed a reading of Cameron’s “Dust.”

Our favorite hobo journalist Todd Pate recounted his drive from Hollywood to North Dakota in his latest post for El Jamberoo.

fwriction : review has been displaying “London, 1973,” an excerpt from J.E. Reich‘s novel-in-progress To Build A New World.

Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam has two more stories out there: “The Foster Child” at Expanded Horizons and “The Hoof Situation” at Scigentasy.

J. Bradley combined poetry with Information Mapping in “Zeke” for Plain Wrap Press.

Outside the Flapperhouse – 7.2.2014

Here are some writings our beloved Flappers have posted & published around the internet in the past couple weeks:

J. Bradley responded to SCOTUS’ Hobby Lobby decision with his poem “Where the White People Are: Women’s Reproductive Rights” at The New Verse News.

Mila Jaroniec recounted her “Brief History of Blackouts” in an essay for Medium.

Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam‘s short story “Hero” appeared yesterday at Daily Science Fiction.  UPDATE: Bonnie also had a story go up at Hobart last week, the amazingly-titled “The Stink of Horses: Excerpts From The Marina Golovina Controversy By the Ballet Book Series.”

Jeff Laughlin coped with a metaphysical hangover in his Hunter S. Thompson-esque “A Night Without Peace at Bowman Gray” over at Triad City Beat.

J.E. Reich‘s “Breakers” (from our current issue) was read aloud on last week’s broadcast of Mr. Bear’s Violet Hour Saloon, and it was also reposted at Medium under the title “Teasing it Open.”

Rebecca Ann Jordan‘s magical realist tale “This Is No Garden” was recently published at Swamp Biscuits and Tea.

Tom Stephan posted the very creepy “A Summertime Tale” last week. We’re not sure if it’s a true story or not, and we’re too scared to ask him for the answer.

Three Poems by J. Bradley

photo(7)J. Bradley is as talented as he is prolific: His surreal yet poignant work has appeared in scores of publications, and we were immensely flattered to include four of his poems in our Spring 2014 Issue. We posted one of those poems (“No More Poems About Resolutions”) back in January; now we’re very flappy to present “A Highly Magnified History,” “When a Poet Wants to Date You,” and “Yelp Review – Total Wine.”

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“A Highly Magnified History”

Chairs strain to support
the weight of want.
Mannequins shed felt
and wood, leaving sundresses,
blouses on skeletons;
they refuse to flap against
the artificial air.

“When a Poet Wants to Date You”

The mortuary sits on the coffee table,
nondescript. You think the cover
would be made of his skin, her skin.
He slaps your hand for accusing

his love of hemophilia;
the wine never clots.

“Yelp Review – Total Wine”

There are shelves of organs waiting to be pickled with special occasions. Pick a name like a rose to clench or to cast into fire, water, or wind. Pick how you will revise a memory, what desert to costume your tongue with; forgiveness is something you can never drown in, no matter how hard your lungs want it.

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J. BRADLEYJ. BRADLEY is the author of the graphic poetry collection, The Bones of Us (YesYes Books, 2014). He lives at iheartfailure.net.




The PDF of FLAPPERHOUSE #1 is no longer for sale, because it is now available for free.
Click the cover to enjoy.


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“No More Poems About Resolutions,” “A Highly Magnified History,” “When A Poet Wants To Date You,” and “Yelp Review – Total Wine”J. Bradley
CRYONICS”Mariev Finnegan
“The Puddle of Romeo’s Tears”Luis Galindo
“The Thrill of a Lifetime” – Phyllis Green
“Window Glass” – Mila Jaroniec
“Stage Manager” – Rebecca Ann Jordan
“What Really Drives You To Drink” – Jeff Laughlin
“Rebel, Rebel” – T. Mazzara
“The Root of Everything Arty” – Jenean McBrearty
“Stanley Kubrick’s Shit Happens – Joseph P. O’Brien
“The Better Cowboy” – Todd Pate
“Angels Howling in the Trees” – Misti Rainwater-Lites
“Dare” – Lauren Seligman
“Rules and Secrets” Judith Skillman
“Reach” – Tom Stephan
“Axis Mundi” Cameron Suey