Tag Archives: FLAPPERHOUSE Year One

Special New Offer: 2-Year Digital Subs + Free Copy of YEAR ONE!

FLAPPERHOUSE Year 1 Full CoverBuy a 2-Year digital subscription (8 PDF issues) for $15 US & get a FREE print copy of FLAPPERHOUSE YEAR ONE*, the paperback anthology compiling our first four issues! Featuring work by J. Bradley, Jessie Janeshek, Rebecca Ann Jordan, Jennifer MacBain-Stephens, Anthony Michael Morena, Emily O’Neill, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Cameron Suey, & dozens more of literature’s flappiest writers…




* Offer available for customers with US shipping addresses only. (If you live outside the US & would like to buy a 2 year digital subscription + free YEAR ONE copy, send an email to FLAPPERHOUSE at gmail dot com with your shipping address & we’ll calculate a comparable rate for you.)

Buy Our Books!

Finally, you can hold FLAPPERHOUSE in your tender little hands, flip our pages, and smell our pulp!

Our first four issues have been collected in the paperback anthology FLAPPERHOUSE – Year One, available for $18 US:

FLAPPERHOUSE Year 1 Full Cover

You can also purchase single issue paperbacks for $6 US each:

FLAPPERHOUSE #7 (Fall 2015)


FLAPPERHOUSE # 6 (Summer 2015)

FLAPPERHOUSE6redcoverFLAPPERHOUSE # 5 (Spring 2015)


FLAPPERHOUSE #4 (Winter 2015)


FLAPPERHOUSE #3 (Fall 2014)


FLAPPERHOUSE #2 (Summer 2014)


FLAPPERHOUSE #1 (Spring 2014)



Coming soon in soft, pulpy paperback.
Stay tuned…FY1F&BCs