LELAND CHEUK is the author of the story collection LETTERS FROM DINOSAURS (Thought Catalog Books, 2016) and the novel THE MISADVENTURES OF SULLIVER PONG (CCLaP Publishing, 2015). He has been awarded fellowships at The MacDowell Colony, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, I-Park Foundation, and Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts. His work has appeared in or is forthcoming in Salon, Catapult, Kenyon Review, Prairie Schooner. You can follow him on Twitter @lcheuk and at lelandcheuk.com.

“Investment Vehicle,” “Season’s Greetings (Everything Will Be Fine),” and “Vote For Arnie” FLAPPERHOUSE #14 (Summer 2017)

“Make American Loitering Great Again” – A Conversation with Leland Cheuk (with Joseph P. O’Brien)