FLAPPERHOUSE Reading #3 in Pictures

A thousand sultry thank yous to everyone who helped make last night so memorable: Jeff, Bud, Ned, Kailey, Stephen, and Leona for performing your flappy lits; Alibi Jones for your exquisite singing; Pacific Standard for providing the space & sustenance; and of course all you beautiful people who attended. Let’s do this again in the Fall…

photos by Alibi Jones

Jeff Laughlin discusses stock-car racing & metaphysical hangovers while reading “A Night Without Peace at Bowman Gray.”
Bud Smith recounts day drinking with his wife while reading "Dust Bunny City."
Bud Smith recounts day drinking with his wife while reading “Dust Bunny City.”
Ned Thimmayya gives us goosebumps reading "Placenta" from FLAPPERHOUSE #6.
Ned Thimmayya gives us goosebumps reading “Placenta” from FLAPPERHOUSE #6.
Kailey Tedesco gives us a peek inside "Emily Dickinson's Dorm Room."
Kailey Tedesco gives us a peek inside “Emily Dickinson’s Dorm Room.”
Stephen S. Power looks to the future of entertainment in "Who Else Would Make a World Like This."
Stephen S. Power looks to the future of entertainment in “Who Else Would Make a World Like This.”
Dr. M Leona Godin offers a brief history of Braille with "The Awl."
Dr. M Leona Godin offers a brief history of Braille with “The Awl.”

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